About Unsecure Diaries

About Unsecure Diaries

This blog, as the title suggests, serves as a diary for all InfoTec & InfoSec research/projects I do, including engineering projects, development, offensive security, defensive security, compliance, CTFs…etc.

You might also find some abstractions and philosophical concepts every now and then.

You will find:

  • Certificate Reviews
  • Configuration of different IT Solutions & Security Implementations
  • Security Architecture
  • APT Emulation
  • Web, API, Binary, Active Directory, Cloud security concepts and techniques
  • CTF Writeups
  • Random shenanigans and projects every now and then..:)


$ Whoami

My name is Mohammad Al-Adwan, I’m a chaser of my own curiousity, believe one should attempt to understand as many things in the universe as possible to find intersections of disciplines and trade concepts between them.

For a job, I’m currently an offensive security engineer in the financial sector with a blue teaming background from a previous role as a SOC Analyst. I work on securing sensitive APIs, mobile & web applications, cloud and on-prem infrastructure.

I also happen to lead the organization team of BSidesAmman in my free time, and be a part of several security communities, including: Leetspace.io, HackerspaceJU, 0x1337, PwnSec CTF Team.

I currently hold the following certifications:

Are you still reading..? Then you might be interested in hiring me :) Here’s my CV

And while you’re at it, why not connect with me on LinkedIn?

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